This is the book for you if you strive for railway signaling knowledge. Your Guide to Railway Signals is an excellent guide for training signal personnel especially railway cross-function managers, supervisors, and support personnel. Signal personnel and management can use this book as an information packed off-the-shelf reference guide. High-quality graphics and diagrams have been used throughout. Complies with all standards and commonly used practices.
Includes chapters on Track Circuits, Basic Crossings, Gate Crossings, Microprocessor-Based Crossings, Switch Circuit Controller (SCC) and Electric Locks, Switch Machines, Relay-Based and Processor-Based CTC, and Testing Locking Circuits.
Your Guide to Railway Signals
Publication Info
- 370 pages
- Simmons-Boardman Books, Inc. (2019)
- ISBN: 9780911382655
- Dimensions (in inches): 8.5 x 11