The Doorway to Safety with Boxcar Doors
Objectives: Identify the type of boxcar door and appropriate safety precautions to use when working around doors. What to look for when inspecting doors and their appropriate maintenance.
Audience: Any worker involved in working with or around boxcar doors.
Lesson ID | Lesson Title |
LSBD1 | Types of doors, plug door components, operation, safety inspection; corrugated doors - types & inspection; antipilferage & auxiliary lock bolts |
LSBD2 | Lubrication and inspection of doors |
LSBD3 | Types of doors, plug door components, operation, safety inspection; corrugated doors–types and inspection |
Please note that prices do not reflect company discounts. If you have already received a copy of the reference material due to having enrolled in other lessons in this course, you will not be charged for or sent a second copy.