Guide to Freight Car Air Brakes


Objectives: The student will learn through text and illustrations the proper care and inspection of Freight Car Air brakes.

Audience: Carmen, brakemen, mechanics, maintenance workers, supervisors, inspectors and anyone else involved in the repair and inspection of the air brake.

View Lesson Information

Lesson IDLesson Title
LSFCAB1AHistory, system overview, hoses, angle cocks, and end cocks
LSFCAB2ABrake shoes, pipes, and fittings
LSFCAB3ACombined dirt collector, cut-out cock, levers, and badge plates
LSFCAB4AHand brakes, brake gears, rods, pins, and safety supports
LSFCAB5AControl valves & control valve pipe brackets
LSFCAB6AReservoirs and auxiliary brake pipe reduction devices
LSFCAB7ARetaining valves, J-1 relay valve, and empty/load equipment
LSFCAB8AFoundation brake cylinders, automatic slack adjuster, WABCOPAC & NYCOPAC truck-mounted brake systems
LSFCAB9AWABCOPAC II, Westinghouse TMX, Ellcon-National 8500, and Thrall truck-mounted brake system
LSFCAB10ATX/Misner (air bag) truck-mounted brake system, air bag actuator for single axle truck, and TMB-60 air brake system

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