Basic Steam Locomotive Maintenance


Objectives: The student will gain an understanding of steam locomotive maintenance. Each subject i.e. the practical theories of combustion and firing, how locomotive boilers work, valves and valve gears, the correct setting of valves, locomotives and superheaters is written in clear and precise terms, describing its operation or function, and includes maintenance information for problems that may arise.

Audience: Anyone wanting to learn more about the principles of steam locomotives and actions to use for correcting problems involving the steam engine.

View Lesson Information

Lesson IDLesson Title
LSBSP1Practical locomotive firing
LSBSP2Combustion and firing
LSBSP3Locomotive boilers
LSBSP4Lifting injectors
LSBSP5The locomotive
LSBSP6Locomotive valves
LSBSP7The Walschaert valve gear
LSBSP8The Baker valve gear
LSBSP9The Young valve gear
LSBSP10Correct valve setting
LSBSP11Locomotive superheaters

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