AAR Interchange Rules 2023


Student is qualified for Certificate of Achievement after successfully completing Lessons RI.1 through RI.12.

Objectives: Familiarize the student with the use of the A.A.R. Interchange Rules Field Manual in correctly identifying parts and their proper “WHY” Code entry for interchange billing.

Audience: Shop foremen, carmen and records personnel responsible for the correct repairs and interchange billing of those repairs.

View Lesson Information

Lesson IDLesson Title
LSRI1 23Purpose of rules, care of freight cars, air brakes
LSRI2 23Air brake equipment
LSRI3 23Couplers, yokes, and draft gears
LSRI4 23Roller bearings and adapters
LSRI5 23Wheels and axles, truck components
LSRI6 23Running boards, dome platforms, brake steps, crossover platforms, and repair of sills
LSRI7 23General repairs and instructions
LSRI8 23Material and interchange of freight cars
LSRI9 23Responsibility
LSRI10 23Disposition, general regulations for pricing and billing, general rules
LSRI11 23Review of entire book
LSRI12 23Review of entire book continued

Please note that prices do not reflect company discounts. If you have already received a copy of the reference material due to having enrolled in other lessons in this course, you will not be charged for or sent a second copy.

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