Introduction to North American Railway Signaling


Objectives: Learn signaling systems used in the various rail transportation modes in North America: freight, main-line passenger service, commuter, light-rail, and heavy rail transit. It presents the underlying principles behind modern day signaling practices for the many systems integrated together to keep railroads running safely and efficiently.

This course details fundamental concepts necessary in the design of railway signaling systems and presents the appropriate equipment used throughout North America to make these systems work. Where pertinent, mode-specific effects on basic signaling principles and techniques are described.

Audience: Ideal for signal designers and engineers; locomotive engineers; signal managers; operating supervisors and managers; or anyone wishing to learn more about the application of various signaling systems employed in today’s railroads.

View Lesson Information

Lesson IDLesson Title
LSINARS1Elements of a Signal System
LSINARS2Track work; switches
LSINARS3Wayside signals; relays and relay logic
LSINARS4Train detection; block signaling
LSINARS5Remote control and control centers; cab signals and automatic train control
LSINARS6Defect detectors; lightning and surge protection

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